When they come they come for you, when they ban they ban you

People often appeal to the government to ban things. Or change things.

It comes from a fundamental misunderstanding. The government are not your friend. It doesn't have morals, or care about them.

Historically enough people became free enough to find their own way out from under the thumb of the establishment and create what we now call a modern economy. Countries where your rights are arbitrary are always last on the list, where arbitrary power can take the thing you want to make or build away from you, always lag behind everywhere else.

If you start banning things then you make it harder to do something useful. You make it ok to imprison people because you don't agree with them.

Problem is, who is making the noise? Who is being difficult? People like you? People like me?

Who do you think they will shut up first because they want a quiet life? The offensive racists or the people who chase after them?

When they come they come for you, when they ban they ban you. This is a lesson from Hitler's Germany that needs to be remembered more often.